The vision
Township offices across Myanmar collect immense volumes of data every day – from tax records and welfare disbursements to criminal case data. Currently available data is rich, but various processes prevent these datasets from being used to make strategic decisions by local governments.
The Asia Foundation’s Urban Safety Project and Thibi joined forces with 31 government departments across three Myanmar townships to transform data that is already captured locally into the rich analysis required for data-driven governance. The result is the Township GIS Tool (or TGIST for short), a digital data-visualization portal that facilitates collaboration for coordinated, evidence-driven decision-making.
- 46 in-depth user interviews: We did a deep dive across three townships on-site at departmental offices
- 50 civil servants trained: Each received 2 days of training on data literacy concepts and usage of the TGIST platform.
- 12 Coordination meetings with TMC participants: Meetings with key stakeholders of the Township Management Committees in three townships to understand their analysis needs.
- 29 Data Workflows Mapped: We worked with the department staff to map the parts of their workflows that pertain to data to better understand data-sharing challenges.